RCT root canal treatment

Hello! I’m Bororu, a dental assistant😘

The summer is coming, and we should enjoy the season. I hope it will be an excellent time to start a new project, get into a sport, and learn a new skill for everyone.
I am still a freshman in the clinic and Sendai. Learning about Sendai, I visited Shiogama, a port town in Miyagi prefecture, to join an artists’ workshop. I’ve got friends international in mine there. During the last Golden Week, some Japanese friends invited me to their home to have lamb barbeque. It was so delicious. We had so much fun. I couldn’t wait to see them next time.

I will share the root canal treatment (endodontic therapy) at our dental clinic this time.
Each tooth has nerves and blood vessels that supply it with nourishment. Root canal treatment can be divided into two types, when there is a nerve and when there is no nerve. In both cases, an infected tooth nerve inside the root is removed, and after it is clean, the inside of the root is filled and sealed. After that, the teeth can be covered by a crown. With proper treatment, a restored tooth can last as long as a remaining natural tooth. However, no matter what material is used, problems will occur later if root canal treatment (RCT), which is the foundation, needs to be appropriately performed, problems will occur later.
In addition, the root tip may be fractured or dissolved by pus (a periapical tooth abscess). The shape of the root varies from person to person. Therefore, root canal treatment is a very delicate and difficult treatment. After treatment, teeth may float, or you may feel pain when you bite hard, but in most cases, it will heal naturally within three days to 1 week.

a. When there is nerve*
Leaving cavities untreated will progress deeper and reach the nerves, causing toothache and pain. It is called pulpitis. It means tooth pulp has been infected by bacterial infection. In this case, the infected nerve and the source of infection around it are removed, and the inside of the root canal is prepared, enlarged, and cleaned. After it is cleaned, the inside of the root canal is sealed with a medicine called gutta-percha. If the nerve is removed, the tooth will become dead and break easily, weaker than a healthy tooth. If possible, you need regular dental visits and should treat the tooth decay before it reaches the nerve.

b. When there is no nerve*
Suppose the nerve is dead and the treatment inside the root is not done or is incomplete. In that case, the inside of the root canal becomes infected with bacteria, and the root tip becomes pus-filled (When bacteria and dead pulp tissue develop, pus-filled pockets generate a dental abscess). In this case, the infected root canal is properly cleaned or decayed matter, etc., and the inside of the root canal is filled with a material known as gutta-percha medicine.

If you would love to ask for more details, we also offer pre-treatment consultations, so please feel free to contact us 🥹. We keep your and your family’s teeth healthy.